There are many pool heater options, including electric, solar, gas, and propane. However, not all pool heaters are suitable for every application. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, making it challenging to choose the best one to suit your pool needs. You may be curious about how exactly our electric pool heater in Cape Coral, FL works, but before we go into the logistics, it’s essential to note that there are two types of electric pool heaters: electric heat pumps and electric resistance heaters.

Electric Resistance Heaters: Electric currents are generated from electric resistance heaters. Electric resistance heaters can quickly convert electrical energy into heat through the addition of a heating element or metal resistor that runs throughout the unit. The heat is absorbed as the water flows through the system and over the heating element, and the heated water courses back into the pool. The cycle will continue until the desired temperature has been reached.
Electric Heat Pumps: A heat pump is the other type of electric pool heater. A heat pump sources heat from the ambient air and transfers it to the water. There are coils inside the heat pump, and within those coils are liquid refrigerants. When the heat that has been pulled from the air comes in contact with the coils inside, the liquid refrigerant turns into a gas and then travels through a compressor which then moves the condenser that heats the water.

Beyond requiring electricity, electric heat pumps and electric resistance heaters don’t have very many similarities. For example, electric resistance heaters can perform sufficiently regardless of the outdoor temperature and are ideal for fast, intermittent pool heating since they source their heat from electricity. Electric heat pumps are more suited for constant heating and are much more energy-efficient than electric resistance heaters. The energy costs of an electric heat pump during warm weather can be up to 85% less than electric resistance heaters, but as soon as the outdoor ambient air temperature drops below 60℉, its efficiency decreases.


Pros and Cons of an Electric Pool Heater in Cape Coral, FL


    • Reliable
    • More environmentally friendly than gas heaters
    • Lengthy lifespan (usually last between 10 to 20 years)
    • Can extend swim season by several weeks to months


    • Operation costs
    • Takes several hours to heat your pool
    • Uses tons of electricity when you require it most


  • Electric Pool Heaters
    The efficiency of an electric pool pump is related to the air temperature vs. the pool water temperature. When the outdoor temperature is moderately high, the efficiency can be incredible. For just one unit of electricity (kWH), you can get about six times the heating energy (BTU) into your pool water. Electric heat pumps are prevalent in Florida and for an adequate reason. Since electric heat pumps utilize the latent heat in the air to heat your pool, warm Florida daytime temperatures complement the electric pool pump. Regardless, as the ambient temperature drops, the efficiency of an electric heat pump decreases. In fact, at a certain temperature, electric heat pumps will stop working or will be astronomically ineffective. Meaning you could be using electricity while barely putting heating your pool. The electric heat pump may be ineffective overnight if you want to swim or enjoy a spa on a chilly morning. An electric pool heater in Cape Coral, FL uses a ton of electricity when you need it the most! Think of an electric pool heater as a really big Air Conditioner working in reverse – it is vastly harder to heat water than to cool air! Electric heat pumps can take several hours to heat up a pool, with about a couple of degrees of heat rise per hour. If you run your electric pool pump solely during the day, the electric heat pump will start over each day to regain heat lost overnight. The best way to retain heat loss from overnight is to cover your pool! Some heat pump manufacturers and dealers present the “dollar-a-day” cost to operate an electric heat pump; however, the temperatures acquired are often not warm enough for many individuals when you read the fine print. There are disclaimers about excluding days below specific temperatures. The bottom line is that electric pool heaters cost the most to utilize when you require them the most, i.e. when your pool is the coolest.


  • Solar Pool Heaters
    Solar Pool Heaters have no operational cost and work every day of the year while being very effective at providing luxuriously warm water and extending the swimming season!

    Solar pool heaters have the distinct feature of being the only pool heating option that involves no direct operational costs. You can experience heated pool water every day of the year, with temperatures reaching up to 15 degrees Fahrenheit above that of an unheated pool in some cases. Typical daily maximum temperatures exceed that of unheated pools by about 10ºF, or 15ºF if using a pool cover. In Southwest Florida, that is good enough to provide almost year-round swimming enjoyment.

    On the downside, if you are looking for even warmer temperatures, or want to quickly heat a spa (solar heaters can take a couple to a few hours to heat up a spa to 100ºF on a good day), a solar pool heater may not be reliable enough for you. If you want to virtually guarantee a set temperature each day, solar pool heaters will not be the best choice. After all, it’s a weather-dependent technology! On the other hand, an electric heat pump can’t provide a guarantee either (see above). Like electric heat pumps, solar pool heaters will result in the warmest water later in the day after the sun has had a chance to work its magic. While heat pumps promise relatively energy-efficient pool heating, there is still a cost involved, and that cost is hard to anticipate. Solar pool heaters will heat your pool every day of the year without operating costs. Solar pool heaters also last about twice as long as a regularly used heat pump, and the maintenance costs are far lower (virtually nil in most cases). Since the initial cost of a solar pool heater is similar to the cost of a quality heat pump, many people conclude that the ongoing costs of a heat pump will likely prevent them from using it often, which translates into less enjoyment of their pool.


The price of installing an electric pool heater varies, depending on the heater’s size and if any additional components are needed, i.e., electric run to pool equipment and concrete pad. The cost to install an electric pool heater is within a typical range of $3,000-$5,000, including installation labor. The additional components can add about $1,500 if needed. Depending on multiple factors, including the size of the heater, how often you run your heater, etc., it can cost an additional $100 to $600 per month!

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